PURP: recharging the historic town
...to preserve our heritage
Paramaribo has a rich collection of urban architecture that reflects the combination of European styles of the 18th and 19th centuries, integrated with the craftsmanship of the Africans and later Asians who
contributed to this architecture. Official public architecture would have been designed and constructed according to the formal architectural principles of strict Palladian classicism, then fashionable in Europe.
The Historic City Center of Paramaribo is located in the District of Paramaribo, situated on the left bank of the Suriname River, approximately 23 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean. The Paramaribo District covers an area of around 183 km², but the Historical City Center has an area of only 48ha (Core Zone) and adding the current Buffer Zones, around 159ha. The Core Zone is enclosed by: a) Sommelsdijckse Kreek, b) Tourtonnelaan, c) Kipstenenstraat, d) Helligenweg, e) the Suriname River bank along the Waterfront, f) Fort
Zeelandia and surroundings.
PURP: Paramaribo Urban Rehabilitation Program
The Paramaribo Urban Rehabilitation Program (PURP) is a program that has been set up to contribute to the socio-economic revitalization of the historic center of Paramaribo and the preservation of its built heritage, including the strengthening of the management body and the development of a Tourism Plan.
PURP Information: Waterkant
PURP Information: Palmentuin
Frequently Asked Questions about PURP
What is PURP?
PURP is an abbreviation for the Paramaribo Urban Rehabilitation Program. This is a program is financed through a loan of USD 20,000,000 from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to the Republic of Suriname. The loan agreement between the IDB and Suriname was closed in April 2017. The program is implemented by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture through the Culture Directorate. The Directorate is supported by a Program Implementation Unit (PIU PURP) to carry out its daily activities. The main goal of the program is to bring the historic city of Paramaribo to life.
In 2024, the program was expanded with an EU grant SU-G1006 – “Climate Change Adaptation Investment for the Resilient of Paramaribo”, and a second phase of the program, namely PURP II.
Wat does PURP do?
PURP rehabilitates selected historic buildings in the historic city of Paramaribo, within the boundaries of the part of the historic city that is included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Attention is also paid to iconic public places in this area, parking policy and other guidelines and plans for improvement as well as the parking policy and other guidelines and plans for improved management of the historic city center.
Which buildings and locations have been/are being rehabilitated under PURP?
The 9 buildings which are included under PURP I:
- The buildings of Parliament and the then Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Henck Arronstraat 2-4 & 6) that burned down in 1996 have been reconstructed. A third building on this site, now intended for DNA’s technical services, has also been renovated. The completion of these three buildings took place in April 2022.
- Mirandastraat 10: the delivery of this restored Ministry of Justice and Police building took place in March 2023.
- Waterkant 30 and 32: the delivery of these restored Ministry of Social Affairs buildings took place in December 2023.
- Cultural studies at Zeelandiaweg 3: the renovation of this building started in February 2024.
- Henck Arronstraat 1 and Grote Combeweg 3: The restoration of these two buildings of the Ministry of Justice and Police is planned for 2024.
Under PURP I, public places will also be beautified:
- Palm Garden
- Kerkplein
- Fort Zeelandia
- Waterfront
When does PURP end?
The term of PURP I expires in 2025.
Wat comes after PURP?
PURP II will be launched in 2024. This is a follow-up to PURP I, in which other government buildings are renovated, other public places are beautified, and a management and maintenance plan is drawn up, including guidelines for attracting private investments in the historic city. Studies are also being started on Suriname’s new World Heritage site, Joden Savanne.
What studies have been conducted under PURP I and how can I find them?
Some of the studies carried out under PURP I and listed on the website include:
- PURP Environmental and Social Impact Studies:
Environmental and Social Assessment for the Paramaribo Urban Revitalization Program;
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Rehabilitation and Operation of Historical Buildings in the inner city of Paramaribo;
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Reconstruction of the Parliament Building.
- Paramaribo World Heritage Site Management Plan 2011-2015.
- Paramaribo World Heritage Site Management Plan 2020-2024 (Dutch & English).
- Final Report of Data Collection for the Paramaribo Heritage Buildings Inventory (PHBI)
- Final report of data collection for the Paramaribo Heritage Buildings Inventory
- Final report: Parking policy for Paramaribo inner center, including Annex 2 Maps
Who does the Directorate of Culture work with for the implementation of PURP?
For the implementation of the PURP, the Directorate of Culture cooperates with a Technical Advisory Group (TAG), consisting of representatives of the Ministries who are closely involved in the implementation of the Programme. The TAG is responsible for providing technical advice and guidance to the PURP Programme Implementation Unit on specific matters related to the programme activities, their implementation and for facilitating coordination between the ministries and other entities involved.
Under PURP II, the function of the TAG will be transformed into a Project Steering Committee, consisting of directors from relevant ministries who will be involved in the implementation of PURP II. The PSC will function at the decision-making level and provide strategic and policy support to the PURP. Representatives of the District Commissioner Paramaribo North-East and the Office of the President are also regularly involved in the decision-making process.
How do I receive updates on PURP?
Updates will be posted on the PURP website and the Facebook page. You can also contact the PURP office by phone and email.
How can I reach PURP?
- Address: Wagenwegstraat 64 (upstairs), Paramaribo.
- Phone: 471879
- Email: info@purp.sr
- Website: www.purp.sr